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Private clinic for obsessive compulsive disorder

When control gets out of control

We all know the phenomenon that certain thoughts keep popping up in our heads and we perform certain actions nonsensically, even though we actually know better. In obsessive-compulsive disorders, however, the phenomena described take on a completely different dimension. Learn more in our patient information on the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

The disorder manifests itself through constantly recurring obsessive thoughts, disturbing impulses, imaginations and ideas. In addition, there are compulsive actions that the affected persons “must” perform stereotypically over and over again. An inner pressure is experienced that torments the sufferers and places a heavy burden on their lives. The compulsion interferes with everyday life, family life and work. Often, shame is felt about the compulsive thoughts and actions, and considerable suffering develops. Obsessive-compulsive disorder, which affects about 2-3% of the population in Germany, is often accompanied by other mental illnesses such as depression or anxiety disorders. In our private clinic we are specialized in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorders. Let our experts advise you now without obligation +49 9741 7540 540.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Symptoms

  • Strong inner, subjective urge to do certain things (compulsive actions) or to think certain things (compulsive thoughts).
  • Affected person recognizes that the compulsions are senseless, but is unable to break away from them or has difficulty suppressing them.
  • Obsessive thoughts and compulsive acts often occur in combination and are often accompanied by other mental illnesses such as depression or anxiety disorders

Frequent compulsive acts

  • Washing compulsion (hands, clothes, apartment, etc.)
  • Control compulsion (stove, windows, doors etc.)
  • Compulsion for symmetrical arrangement
  • Counting according to certain patterns
  • Repetition of prayer phrases, words or sentences

Causes and backgrounds of obsessive-compulsive disorder

For obsessive-compulsive disorder to develop, several factors must interact. Risk factors include:

  • Vulnerability: Varying susceptibility to mental illness
  • Biological factors: Disturbed neurotransmitter balance in the brain
  • Genetic factors: Genetically determined, obsessive-compulsive disorders occur more frequently in some families. However, it must be taken into account that children can also copy obsessive-compulsive behavior.
  • Development/education: An upbringing that provides little security can lead to compulsive behavior.
  • Psychological models: an initially harmless but intrusive thought is evaluated as dangerous. This leads to restlessness and agitation. Compulsive action “appeases” this restlessness. A self-reinforcing vicious circle is created.
  • Anxiety management: To better cope with anxiety, compulsive actions and thoughts are integrated into everyday life.
  • Through formative life events such as physical or sexual violence, emotional neglect or the early death of a parent. With the help of the compulsive action, an attempt is then made to regain control over situations.
  • Chronic stress
 chief physician
Dr. med. Kjell R. Brolund-Spaether chief physician

“For a long time, obsessive-compulsive disorder was considered difficult to treat. But research has made great progess and now huge improvements can be made with cognitive behavioral therapy and the right medication, among other things.”

Holistic treatment concept for obsessive-compulsive disorder

We look at people as a whole. Our interdisciplinary team of experts looks at the individual history of obsessive-compulsive disorder and develops a holistic treatment concept for you that is tailored to your needs.
In psychotherapy (primarily cognitive behavioral therapy), an individual model of the origin of the obsessive-compulsive disorder is developed. Possible starting points for therapy are then identified (e.g. dealing with emotions or the internal evaluation of thoughts/actions). In the case of compulsive actions, the affected persons are confronted with the triggering situation and learn how to prevent their compulsive reaction.

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